Rapti Academy of Health Sciences, Dang, Nepal

राप्ती स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान प्रतिष्ठान, दाङ, नेपाल

Department of Radiology & Medical Imaging

Department of Radiology & Medical Imaging

The Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging is well-equipped and one of the largest departments of RAHS. The team is dedicated to provide quality services for the better diagnosis and management of disease. 

Our Services 

  1. Diagnostic Radiology:

Ultrasound (USG) Service:

  1. USG (Abdomen and Pelvis)
  2. USG (Obstetrics including Anomaly Scan and Doppler study).
  3. USG (Neck/Thyroid, Breast, Scrotum, Chest and other soft tissue parts)
  4. USG Doppler (Artery, Vein and vascular malformations/abnormality)

X- RAY Service

  1. Chest X ray
  2. X- Ray of Bones and joints of axial skeleton and extremities.
  3. X-Ray of Bones and joints of skull & face including PNS
  4. X Ray abdomen
  5. X-Ray Soft tissue neck and other parts of body.

Computed Tomography (CT) scan Service

  1. CT scan Head (Plain & Contrast)
  2. CT scan PNS, Face (Plain & Contrast)
  3. CT scan Chest (HRCT, plain & Contrast).
  4. CT scan of Abdomen and Pelvis (Plain & contrast, including Triple phase scan, IVU, KUB etc.)
  5. CT scan of Bones and Joints.
  6. CT angiography

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Service 

  1. MRI of Head/Brain (Plain and contrast) including MR spectroscopy
  2. MRI spine.
  3. MRI joints, bones and soft tissue
  4. MR angiography
  5. MRI of Abdomen and Pelvis (Plain & contrast)
  6. MRCP

Image guided procedure

  1. Image guided FNAC/biopsy.
  2. Imaged guided fluid aspiration
  3. Interventional Radiology

Image-guided therapeutic procedures

  1. Drain placement.
  2. Image-guided therapeutic drainage.
  3. Image-guided PTBD, PCN placement



  1. Asst. Prof. Dr. Bom B. C., HoD
  2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Bipin Khanal
  3. Lecturer, Dr. Saugat Mainali
  4. Tutor, Dr. Jitendra Mahato


Other Staff:

  1. Medical Imaging Technician/Technologists: 05
  2. Radiographers  for X-Ray – 06
  3. Other: 05


Department Head Email address: hod.radiology@rahs.edu.np