Rapti Academy of Health Sciences, Dang, Nepal

राप्ती स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान प्रतिष्ठान, दाङ, नेपाल

Institutional Review Committee

Institutional Review Committee (IRC) of Rapti Academy of Health Sciences (RAHS) is an independent body comprising medical and non-medical academic researchers and other relevant faculties. The IRC-RAHS has been approved by Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC) on 19th March 2024 with the objective to conduct ethical review of the research proposals submitted by the faculties, staffs and the students within and affiliated to the RAHS.

IRC-RAHS is responsible for ensuring the ethical and scientific integrity of research involving human subjects conducted within IRC-RAHS aligned with the application and interpretation, of the principles of National Ethical Guideline for Health Research in Nepal-2022, the Declaration of Helsinki, CIOMS and Guideline for Good Clinical Practice. It serves as an oversight committee with the purpose of protecting and managing risk to human participants involved in research.

Before proposal submission, Please read the submission guidelines

Click here → Proposal Submission Guidelines 

Click here → Research Proposal Submission Format_02- RAHS 

IRC approval fee: NPR 1000 (one thousand only)

Bank Name: Laxmi Sunrise Bank

Account Name: Rapti Academy of Health Sciences

Account number: 03911002022


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IRC Members

Mrs. Radha Darlami

Member Secretary
